What is Networking.

  • networks are simply things connected.

  • Networks can be found in all walks of life.

  • Internet is one giant network that contains small network within itself.

  • The first iteration of the internet was within the ARPANET project in 1960.

  • the internet as we see today was invented by Tim Berners-Lee by the creation of World Wide Web.

As previously stated, the Internet is made up of many small networks all joined together. These small networks are called private networks, where networks connecting these small networks are called public networks – or the Internet!

  • device on the internet can be identified by:
    • Our Name
    • Our Fingerprints
  • Ip address and media access control (MAC) are used to identify a device.

IP Addresses

  • Internet protocol address
  • An ip address has 4 octets each could be anything from 0 - 255.


  • This number is calculated through a technique known as IP addressing & subnetting.
  • Ip addresses follow a set of standards called protocols.
  • protocols are the backbone of networking.
  • A public address is used to identify the device on the Internet, whereas a private address is used to identify a device amongst other devices.
  • The two widely used versions of ip addresses are: IPv4 and IPv6

Mac Addresses

  • Media Access Control Address.
  • Devices on a network will have a physical network interface, which is a microchip board found on devices motherboard.
  • This interface is assigned a unique 12 char address.
  • they are split into 2’s separated by a colon.
  • the first 6 characters represent the manufacture of the interface. and the last 6 is unique.
  • the mac address can be faked in the process called spoofing.


  • it is the most fundamental network tool available to us.
  • ping uses ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
ping ipaddress/weburl