Who Am I?

I’m Shadirvan, a passionate cybersecurity student based in India. My journey began with a fascination for digital puzzles and a desire to protect the virtual world from threats.

What Drives Me?

  • Ethical Hacking: I love exploring vulnerabilities, dissecting code, and finding creative solutions.
  • Secure Coding: Writing robust, secure software is my mission.
  • Malware Analysis: Unraveling the secrets of malicious code keeps me up at night.
  • Continuous Learning: Cybersecurity evolves rapidly, and I’m committed to staying ahead.

My Toolbox:

  • Languages: Python, C, Java, Dart
  • Frameworks: Flutter, Django
  • Tools: Wireshark, Burp Suite, Metasploit, Nmap
  • Certifications: (I am Working on it)

Let’s Connect!

Feel free to reach out for discussions, collaborations, or just to geek out about cybersecurity. Connect with me on LinkedIn or drop me an email!